The Struggle is Real

I feel as though when you launch a business, all you think of is the rainbows and butterflies. No one really lets you in on the ugly side. There have been days when I feel like I have hit a wall and everything I try to do, I simply can’t break it down. It’s sometimes hard to take a step back and realize that all this hard work that you are putting in, will pay off. All the sleepless nights, all the anxiety, worries, dead ends will all miraculously form into something beautiful.  These are little things that I do to stop myself before I ugly cry and hit a breakdown.


Write your thoughts down! Being able to get everything out on paper or a computer can feel like a rush of relief. You can write down your thoughts, fears and dreams, completely judgment free. Afterwards you can go back and reflect, which will help you to see things more clearly.

Get out and move

I have always said that I think best when I’m out walking. Especially when living in New York City where you walk everywhere, I get a lot of things hashed out. Just taking a break from what you are doing and get out to breathe in some fresh air will help more than you realize. I also love squeezing in a yoga session when possible. Letting yourself focus on you and your breath for an hour can really reset your mind.

Talk it out

In this post I talked about how networking is key to a successful business. These are also the people that will understand when you are struggling and help you through it. They will help you at your lowest and praise you at your highest, truly the best support system.

What things do you do when you feel like you are hitting a wall that has helped you to reset and think more clearly?